Teemworks Energy
Redondo Beach, CA 90278
United States
TEEMWorks Energy was founded in 2011 by Lance Honea, a former telecommunications executive, who had a new mission: To contribute to a cleaner, healthier world for our future generations. During his 7 years operating TEEMWorks as an energy efficiency consulting and management firm, Honea built a strong base of like-minded property managers and owners, investing in the efficiency of their buildings. In 2013, Lance's wife Karalyn joined the team in a marketing role. When the AB 1103 benchmarking requirement went into effect, the company saw a rise in demand for benchmarking compliance. Karalyn took the lead on that, completing the majority of benchmarking reports for TEEMWorks' clients. When Honea made the jump to a new energy efficiency market in 2017, Karalyn assumed ownership of the company.